Silencing Science Tracker

The Silencing Science Tracker is a public database that tracks government efforts to restrict, censor, undermine, and misrepresent science since the November 2016 election. To date, we have documented more than 500 attacks on science. We catalog government efforts to restrict, censor, undermine, and misrepresent science.
The government assault on science includes attempting to cast doubt on climate change, limiting and eliminating access to scientific information, and preventing federal scientists from publicly communicating their research.
The tracker is a joint initiative of the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law.
The tracker, related resources, and more information about the project can be found on the Sabin Center website. Go to the tracker →
Tracker entries are drawn from the media, with most taken from national news sources. We do not take any position on the accuracy of those reports. Please contact Romany Webb ( or the CSLDF team ( to recommend relevant articles we may have missed or provide responses or corrections to tracker entries.