This free webinar, hosted by the American Geophysical Union and led by our attorneys, will help scientists understand how they can rely on academic freedom rights to advocate for science.
Event type: Webinar
Showing 11 to 17 of 17-
Past Event | Webinar Restoring the Role of Science in Policy
Past Event | Webinar Speaking Up for Science in All Three Branches of Government
This free webinar on Thursday, November 12 will help scientists understand how they can engage with political processes in the wake of the 2020 election.
Past Event | Webinar How Scientists Can be Involved in the Run Up to the 2020 Election
When: Friday, October 23 from 4:15-5:00 PM EDT Where: AAAS Science, Technology and Human Rights Conference This session will cover…
Past Event | Webinar Tracking Threats as Climate Science, Law and Politics Collide
After four turbulent years of deregulatory pressure and assaults on science and scientists, experts discuss the next steps at the intersection of climate science, law, and the public.
Past Event | Webinar Scientific Advocacy and Congressional Powers
Join us for a free webinar on how scientists can engage in Congressional activism and advocacy without violating anti-lobbying laws.
Past Event | Webinar How Scientists Can be Involved in the Run Up to the 2020 Election
Join us for a free webinar on how scientists can be involved in campaigning and other political activities during the 2020 election.
Past Event | Webinar How Scientists Can Participate in Politics: Understanding the Hatch Act and More
In this free event, CSLDF lawyers will discuss how scientists from all disciplines can fully participate in political campaigns and activism.