Webinar: Engaging In Elections as a Scientist
Midterm elections are just around the corner! In this joint webinar between the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund (CSLDF), CSLDF attorneys will explain various ways that scientists can apply their expertise towards the policy and lawmaking process at a crucial time. CSLDF attorneys will describe how scientists can participate in campaigning for science-forward candidates of their choice ahead of the midterm elections and engage with Congress on legislative matters that are important to them. CSLDF attorneys will also cover general First Amendment rights as they pertain to scientists and researchers, as well as explain how scientists can be most effective in their advocacy efforts while offering recommendations for best practices. AGU’s Program Manager for Science Policy and Government Relations will discuss our Science Votes the Future program to help scientists inspire others to vote and get their candidates talking about science.
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