News | Monthly Update

September Update: Recent Events at NOAA, Our GSA Activities, and More

Events at NOAA Highlight Strengths and Shortcomings of Scientific Integrity Policies
President Trump’s tweets about Hurricane Dorian in early September resulted in another type of storm that highlights the need for stronger protections for scientific integrity, especially at federal agencies.

Contact Us for Free, Confidential Legal Advice
Federal scientists with questions about filing a complaint under an agency scientific integrity policy—and researchers from any discipline with questions related to their work—can contact us for free, confidential legal advice. Write to or complete this form.

Unite Behind the Science
If you’re following the lead of the incredible youth movement and plan to continue your climate activism, check out our free guide to science activism and protests. We know that people like you listen to the science and we’re grateful that you support our efforts to protect the scientific endeavor.

Where to Find Us at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting

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