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July Update: Standing with Courageous Scientists

Blowing the Whistle on Anti-Science Actions

Supporters of CSLDF are familiar with our mission to protect and defend climate scientists against attacks and harassment, which includes advocating on behalf of scientists who courageously speak out against attempts to interfere with their work.

This month, we filed a government whistleblower complaint on behalf of one of our clients, Dr. Virginia Burkett. As chief scientist for climate and land use at the US Geological Survey (USGS), Dr. Burkett opposed repeated anti-science actions during the Trump administration, including the elimination of research programs, the reassignment or demotion of scientists, and the political manipulation of scientific findings and reports.

As covered in Nature, Dr. Burkett faced severe retaliation and demotion in response to her speaking out. Although she has since been reinstated to a senior-level position, she decided to come forward and file this complaint to ensure better protections for federal scientists and science in the future.

While the Biden administration has worked to implement better federal protections for scientists, not enough has yet been done. Scientists remain in dangerous situations – regardless of the outcome of the presidential election.

In a statement, Dr. Burkett comments: “My goal is to ensure that the harassment, retaliation, and injustices I endured are never experienced by another USGS scientist or public servant within the Department of Interior.”

We are proud to stand with Dr. Burkett and with all scientists who speak out against anti-science efforts.

Summer Match Update!

Your support helps us continue to stand alongside whistleblowers, expose attempts to silence scientists, and help scientists prepare for whatever the 2024 election may bring.

We can’t do this without you.

Please, if you haven’t already, consider donating during our Summer Match campaign. We have recently received another $3k in matching funds from a generous supporter, so all gifts up to $43k will be doubled!

Stay tuned for a big announcement next month about our plans for tackling a potential new administration head-on!

Upcoming Events

We will be at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting for the following sessions:

The World Needs Scientists Engaged in Advocacy and Activism – Here’s Where to Start

Thursday, August 8, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PDT

In a few months, America will be faced with another election cycle, which will likely have considerable ramifications on how our nation chooses to address the impacts of climate change and other matters of scientific importance. In response, scientists are increasingly engaging in advocacy and activism. Learn how to engage in activism while reducing risks, both personally and professionally.

Making the Leap from Science to Action

Thursday, August 8, 11:45 AM – 1:15 PM PDT

Climate change is an existential threat to humanity and as a scientific community, it is our responsibility to treat it as such. In collaboration with historically marginalized communities and activists, ecologists can engage in a variety of tactics to apply pressure on those in power to take action now. Attendees will engage directly with colleagues experienced in a range of effective activism options with opportunities to explore what works best for their career stage.

Free 30-Minute Legal Consultations

CSLDF attorneys will be available for free, 30-minute, one-on-one legal counseling sessions with scientists attending ESA2024. Virtual appointments are also available via Zoom. To schedule, please use this link or email

CSLDF in the News

Exclusive: the Trump administration demoted this climate scientist — now she wants reform

July 24, 2024 | Nature

“This is not about what happened to me, it’s about what could happen to others,” Virginia Burkett, the scientist, told Nature, emphasizing that stronger protections are needed regardless of who wins the US presidential election in November.

When climate scientists are under attack, who has their backs?

July 18, 2024 | UnDisciplined, Utah Public Radio

“As scientists get more public about speaking about their research, especially about the importance of taking action on climate change, it has made a number of them targets, and there are groups out there that are trying to get them to stop talking.”

Trump, Bolsonaro, Modi: How far-right governments have suppressed environmental research

June 28, 2024 | AEF Info

For worried scientists, whether in the United States, where Donald Trump could return to power following the presidential election next November, or in France, Lauren Kurtz gives the following advice: “Be prepared, know your rights, what you can and cannot publish, for example.”

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