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June Update: Climate Science & Activism

The Intersection of Climate Science & Activism

We have always relied on the scientific community to provide critical insights into the causes and effects of climate change. But now, as temperatures rise but not enough is done to address the key aspects of the growing climate crisis, climate scientists have started to become more involved in advocacy and activism—and in danger of retaliation, harassment, and personal and professional harm.

At CSLDF, we have always supported scientists facing threats to silence or discredit their research. We continue to help researchers facing unreasonable FOIA requests, politically motivated censorship of their work, and sustained retaliation and harassment for speaking out about anti-science actions at federal and educational institutions.

Some scientists have now also turned to peaceful acts of protest. Others have served as expert witnesses or consultants in the growing number of climate litigation cases. Still more have become engaged in political advocacy by campaigning for science-forward candidates and speaking with current lawmakers on critical issues.

This summer is slated to be one of the hottest ever, and we anticipate that the scientific community will continue to become more active. If you are a scientist with questions about these or any other form of scientific advocacy, please check out our library of free resources or contact us directly for a free legal consultation.

Our Summer Match Continues!

We are powered by the generosity of people like you—people who believe in our ongoing mission to protect, defend, and empower climate scientists and science.

As our Summer Match continues, we wish to thank the many of you who have already given in support of that mission. Your support makes our work possible.

Please, if you haven’t already, consider donating during our Summer Match campaign—and have your gift go 2X further toward protecting and defending the scientific endeavor.

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