News | Monthly Update

Now We Rebuild and Reform Scientific Integrity

We’re relieved that a politician with a pro-science agenda was elected president of the United States. But bitter political divides remain, with widespread disinformation campaigns and anti-science sentiment.

These rifts mean our work is far from done, and we need your help to rebuild, revamp, and enforce protections for scientific integrity. Please donate today.

We spent the last four years defending scientists from relentless government censorship and manipulation. Now we face another challenge: Undoing the Trump administration’s damaging actions to ensure that science once again informs policies that address climate change, COVID-19, and other critical issues.

Your gift will help advance our plans, including publishing new First Amendment resources for researchers, expanding our efforts to strengthen federal scientific integrity policies, and assisting scientists who want to become involved in the field of climate litigation.

We’re grateful for your continued support and look forward to sharing our progress with you in the coming months.

Feeling energized by the election outcome? Join us for Speaking Up for Science in All Three Branches of Government, a free webinar about how scientists can engage with political processes in the wake of the election. It’s on Thursday, November 12, from 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET, sponsored by the Geological Society of America, and open to all. Register today!

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