
A Vote for Science

We’re buoyed by the results of the midterm elections, which show that people in the United States are ready for change on many fronts—including science.

More than 10 candidates with degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics were elected to office.

And for the first time in nearly 10 years, a congressperson who accepts the scientific consensus on climate change is likely to chair the House Committee on Space, Science, and Technology.

This is inspiring news, but our work is not done.

Many of our collective fears have been realized since the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Among them: A surge in attacks on science and scientists.

We know these are on the rise because we’re working with a growing number of scientists who report that government actions are interfering with their ability to conduct, publish, and discuss their research.

We’re thrilled that politicians who value science are gaining traction, but the scientific endeavor still faces powerful politically and ideologically motivated opponents.

So we’re stepping up our fight against the suppression of science. This means providing additional free legal services and education to researchers who are targeted due to their findings or field of study, publicizing these attacks, and expanding our legal network.

Whether you are a long-time ally or new to our community, we want to thank you for supporting our work. Together we are defending scientific integrity, and we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished.

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